Pets bring so much meaning into our lives. Humans have bonded and evolved with certain animals throughout time, especially dogs. It’s tough to think about all the animals in shelters considered “less adoptable” because of complicated circumstances outside of their control. 

Earlier this year, millions viewed the touching story of Fergie, a dog that found her forever home after spending 191 days at a Missouri shelter. Unfortunately, a pit bull named October still awaits adoption, even after spending over two years at a San Diego Shelter. Hershel spent five years in shelters around Ohio before he got adopted right before his seventh birthday.

These cases may seem extreme, but after 48 or more weeks at a shelter, these animals are often considered “less adoptable.” This fact led to the establishment of Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week in 2009 to raise awareness of these seemingly forgotten pets.

Every pet deserves a forever home, and your support during Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week can help make this a reality. Read on to find out how you can make a difference. 


What is Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week?

Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week occurs annually during the third week of September. Activities this year will begin on Monday, September 18.

The weeklong initiative is the brainchild of the pet adoption site: Petfinder. They recognized that many shelter pets surpass the average 12.5-week adoption timeline and wanted to help make a difference.

The week highlights these “less adoptable pets” and the benefits of welcoming them into your home. You may wonder why adopting a pet is better than buying one from a pet store. Store-bought pets are often products of puppy mills. 

These establishments often overbreed animals in unsanitary and inhumane conditions. Limited preventative veterinary care can also cause health issues. These aren’t always evident until you take your new pet home. Always make sure to conduct the proper research and ask as many questions as you can when getting a new pet. 

What Pets Are “Less Adoptable?”

Adopting a pet can be a long process. You must decide what animal best suits you and your home environment. It’s natural to have preferences regarding the breed, color, and physical condition of the pet you welcome into your family. However, some of these factors may contribute to classifying certain animals as “less adoptable.”


There is often a fear that adopting an older dog may mean saying goodbye too soon due to their lifespan. Age-related illnesses will also be a reality for some older pets.


Black or darker pets, especially dogs and cats, are less popular. Color is often associated with negativity, such as evil and other superstitions.

Special Needs

Special needs animals include those with disabilities or diagnosed illnesses. The cost and time related to their care and maintenance can be daunting. However, these pets usually adapt and, in many cases, take care of themselves.

Looks and Behavior

Some animals may not meet the socially-acceptable definition of cute. It might be hard for a potential owner to see their true beauty. Certain breeds are less popular due to their behavioral history and current attitude towards humans or other animals. 


Benefits of Pet Adoption

Why do you need to adopt a pet? They are a furry bundle of unconditional love and loyalty — two things that can contribute to calming anxieties/fears and reducing stress. You can also enjoy these benefits when you buy your pet from a breeder with proper research.

However, adopting a dog from a shelter means you’re saving a life. Although there has been a decrease in the number of euthanized shelter pets, over one million still suffer this fate annually. It’s one of the main reasons to rescue a dog or cat from a shelter. 

When you adopt a shelter pet that has gone through the foster system, you also forego the time it usually takes to train a puppy. Shelter pets are also medically assessed. They’re vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and often microchipped. These are all expenses you won’t need to worry about. 

Adopting a shelter animal is often extremely rewarding. Taking care of animals who have medical needs or are at the end of their journey will certainly change the rest of their lives. Just like humans, animals greatly benefit from love and care, especially when they haven’t had those things for the majority of their lives. By adopting a less adoptable pet, you are saving them from living the rest of their days without a place to call home. 

Once you decide pet adoption is the right choice, the next step is simple and may involve considering, Should I adopt a cat or dog? 


How to Honor Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week Day

You can participate in many ways during Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week. Some organizations have planned events, or you can opt for a more personalized contribution.

Support the Cause

Donations are a great way to support the cause. At Cloud Haven, we sell jewelry for a cause. Proceeds from the sale of our handcrafted bracelets and necklaces assist rescue organizations. Wearing one of our jewelry pieces will be a beautiful reminder of your role in finding shelter pets in a new home.

You can also donate directly to your local pet shelters. Monetary donations are always welcome. However, consider other types of contributions as well. Rescue organizations are always happy to receive supplies such as blankets, food, or pet toys.

Spread the Word

Why should everyone have a pet? Social media provides a great platform to highlight all the reasons. Showcasing images of “less adoptable” pets that pull at the heartstrings won't hurt either. It's an impactful way of bringing greater awareness to their plight. Posting photos along with relevant information about these pets can help get them adopted.

Adopt a Less Adoptable Dog

There are many reasons why you should adopt a dog. Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week is one of them. If you’ve been looking for a companion, there’s no better way to show support than adopting a “less adoptable” dog, yearning for love and affection. Do your research and find the pet that’s right for you. 

If you’re not ready for such a huge commitment, adopt a dog for a week. Post photos of your time together to show what a great companion a “less adoptable dog” can be.


Shop Jewelry for Good from Cloud Haven

Why adopt a pet? Rescue organizations around the country receive millions of animals every year. Roughly half are adopted. It’s time to advocate for the ones that aren’t because they’re “less adoptable.”

Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet Week provides the opportunity to do this through donations and by educating others to create greater awareness. 

It’s an important cause that we’re committed to here at Cloud Haven. Our beautiful jewelry allows us to support rescue organizations across the nation. Purchasing one of our pieces helps positively impact the life of a “less adoptable dog.”

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